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    vibrating motor operation instruction


    歡迎使用 我公司生產的JZO、YZO、YZD(YZS、YZU)、TZD(TZDC)YZDP系列臥式振動電機、YZSL系列立式振動電機

    Welcome to use JZO、YZO、YZD(YZS、YZU)、TZD(TZDC)YZDP  horizontal vibrating motor, YZSL vertical vibrating motor.


    1.use and characteristic

    振動電機是由偏心機構與三相異步 電動機組合而成,是動力和振動兩源合一的特種振動源。 振動電機 具有結構簡單、安裝方便、體積小、重量輕、運行可靠、通用性強、激振力可無極調整 、可單臺使用,也可多臺組合成各種振動形式且維修量小等特點、在冶金、礦山、耐火 、選煤、建材、化工、火電、糧食等行業(yè)應用極為廣泛。

    The vibrating motor is made up by eccentric mechanism and three phase asynchronous motor。It is special vibration source with power and vibration. The vibrating motor has some excellences: simple structure, easy fixing, small, light, steady working, commonality, nongraded exciting force adjustment, working alone or working together, and easy maintain. It is widely used in metallurgy, mine, fire-resistant, choice coal, tignum, chemical engineering, heat-engine, food supplies,and so on.


    2, product structure


    horizontal vibrating motor is mainly made up by:

    1防護罩 2 偏心塊 3軸承 4 支架 5 轉子軸 6定位繞組 7機殼 

    1 shield 2 eccentric block 3 bearing 4 bracket 5 rotor spindle 6 orientation winding 7 shell

    立式電機主要有以下部 分組成 vertical vibrating motor is mainly made up by:

    1 偏心塊 2軸承 3 支架 4 轉子軸 5定位繞組 6機殼

    1 eccentric block 2bearing 3 bracket 4 rotor spindle 5 orientation winding 6 shell

    三、使用條件與適用范 圍 3.use condition and sphere of application

    1.振動電機適用 環(huán)境溫度為15~40。C。

    1.the environmental temperature of application is between 15 degree and 40 degree.


    2. altitude is below 1000 metre.


    3. stator winding temperature is below 80 degree.( resistance measure)

    4.軸承的允許溫 度(溫度計法)不超過10589C。

    4.bearing temperature is below 10580degree(thermograph measure).

    振動電機適用于任何無 防爆要求的場所,是各種振動設備的通用激振源。

    vibrating motor applies to the place of no explosion prevention. It is currency vibration source, which can be used in all kinds of vibrant machine.


    4. fixing and adjustment 1.      

    電機在吊裝、搬運及安裝時,切勿碰撞。 1. Do not collide.


    2. Before fixing ,check the applicability between tail bolt hole and the pedestal tail bolt.

    3.使用要求與標 牌數(shù)據(jù)是否相符。

    3. check the applicability between operating requirement and scutcheon data.

    4.停用三個月以 上及新安裝的電機,使用前應檢查其絕緣電阻(380V,不小于0.38Mn,660V時,不小于0.66Mn)若已受潮,則須進行干燥處理,干燥溫度不大于180C。

    4.If the motor is halt for three months or the motor is new, before use it we should check the insulating resistance(380V, more than 0.38M,660V, more than 0.66M).If the motor is in damp ,we should be dry it ,the temperature is more than 180 degree.

    5. 地腳螺栓采用防松裝置,以防螺 栓松動,使電機損壞。

    Tail bolt must use locking device, to prevent the bolt becoming flexible and damaging the motor.


    If two vibrating motors work together,

    a。兩臺電機反 向旋轉

    a. two motors revolve opposite direction.


    b.  symmetry for the center line of the sieve.

    c.電機軸線與 篩體中心線平行。

    c.  motor axis parallels the center of sieve.


    7.After fixing , the motor can be used, which works 2-4 hours ,and business as usual 

    8使用中若激振力不能滿足要求,可調整激振力 的大小,以達到佳使用效果

    8.if the vibrant force is not settle for the demand, we should adjust the force.


    9. adjustment for the vibrant force.

    如果振動電機的激振力過大,產品出廠為大激振力可將振動電機兩端的 防護罩拆下,同時調整電機兩端的偏心塊的相對角度(要求兩端相位角始終保持一致) ,從而改變振動電機的激振力及在小范圍內改變振幅的大小,調整后將防護罩裝回。

    If the vibrant force is oversize, we could remove the shields in either sides of the motor, and adjust the angle of the eccentric blocks in either sides of the motor for adjusting the vibrant force.(the phase angle must keep in step).After the adjusting, fix the shield.


    5. maintenance 

    1.定期清除外殼 灰塵,以改善散熱條件,但不得用水沖洗。

    1. clean the dust in the shell regularly to improve the radiating conditions. But do not wash it in water.

    2.當海拔與環(huán)境 溫度均符合要求時,振動電機定子繞組的溫度升限值(電阻法)為80C。軸承的允許溫度(溫度計法)不應超過105C

    2. if the altitude and temperature accord with demand, stator winding temperature is below 80 degree( resistance measure),bearing temperature is below 105degree(thermograph measure).

    3.為延長軸承壽命,軸承應保持良好的潤滑狀態(tài) 。

    For dilating the bearing life, bearing should keep lubricative well.

    A.定期對軸承進行保養(yǎng)補充適量的潤滑脂(潤滑 脂為二硫化鉬復合鈣基);2級電機注油量為軸承容 腔的1/2,4、6級電機注油量軸承容腔的2/3。

    a. supply right amount of grease lubricant(molybdenum disulphide grease);the oil mass for the two rank motor is half than bearing’s cubage, the oil mass for the four or six rank motor is two- part than bearing’s cubage.

     B.電機運行4-6月小修一次,運行一年大修一次,小修清除機體的積塵、污垢,檢查電 機繞組的絕緣電阻、接頭、地線、連接部位的緊固螺栓是否松動,及時排除隱患。 大修時除 進行必要的小修保養(yǎng)外,須查看軸承的磨損程度及線圈絕緣狀況,必要時及時更換維修 。

    b. After the motor works for four-six months , it should be easy serviced. After one year, it should be heavy repaired. Easy servicing conclude cleaning dust over the shell, checking the insulating resistance in the motor winding, terminal, groundwire, the binding bolt in nterconnecting piece, to exclude hidden trouble in time. Heavy repairing must check the degree of wear of bearing, and the insulated status of winding. Change the bearing and winding in time.


    6. error and processing method

    序號 Number

    故障現(xiàn)象 Symptom

    造成故障的可能原因 Cause for the error

    處理方法 Processing metheod  


    After plugging in, vibrating motor dose not work.


    1. stator winding has been short, earthing or turnoff.


    2. stator winding has been wired error.

    3、負載過重或 有卡阻現(xiàn)象

    3. overload or locking.

    a)檢查找出 斷路、短路接地部位,實行修復



    a) check the stator winding for short,earthing or turnoff.

    b) Check stator winding’s wiring.

    c) Light load or clean the locking. 

    二 電機運行時轉 速低于額定值

    When the motor is working, rotate speed is below rating speed.


    The rotor of motor is ruptured.


    Change the cast aluminium rotor 

    三 支架腿斷裂

    The leg of bracket is r

    支架腿斷裂The leg of bracket is ruptured

    1、地腳螺栓沒有旋緊      旋緊螺栓

    2、與地腳平面配合         重新加工 兩平面,達到吻合良好

    1. stone bolt is flexible       wind the bolt.

    2. the planes of fitting badly   process the two planes again, for fitting well.

    四 電機溫升過高或冒煙

    The high temperature of motor or smoking.

    1、        2、        3、        4、        定子繞組接地或相間短路  查出接地 和短路部位加以修復

    5、        6、        定轉子相擦              檢查電動機氣 隙、配重以及軸承磨損等情況

    1.    overload           light load

    2.   stator winding is turned off.       check the turnoff.

    3.   stator winding is wired error.      check the stator winding’s wiring.

    4.  stator winding is earthed or short.    check the earthing and short.

    5.  The rotor of motor is ruptured.       Change the cast aluminium rotor

    6.The stator rubs against the rotor.      inspect the air gap of the motor,inspect the configured weight of the motor,inspect the abrasion of bearing in the motor,etc.

    五 電機外殼帶電

    Motor shell is electriferous

    1、  接地不良或接地電阻太大        找出原因,并 采用相應措施

    2、  繞組絕緣損壞                   修補絕緣,并以浸漆處理

    3、  繞組受潮                       干燥處理 或浸漆干燥處理

    4、  接地板損壞或面內的油垢太多     更換或清除接 地板

    1. earthing badly or earthing resistance more large.      Find the cause, and adopt a measure

    2. winding insulation is broken.             &nbs p;       mend the insulation, and dip lacquer

    3. winding is damp.             ;            &nb sp;    drying process or dipping lacquer process.

    4. earth-plate or inside of plate has much oil dirt.      change or clean the earth-plate

    六 軸承過熱

    bearing running hot

    1、  軸承磨損 過度或質量有問題                      更換軸承

    2、  軸承油脂 過多或過少,型號選用不當或質量不好   調整或更換軸承脂

    3、  軸承內圈 與軸配合過松或過緊                     過松時可在軸上噴涂一層金屬,過緊時可重新 加工軸

    4、  軸承外圈端蓋的配合過松或過緊                   過松時可將端蓋的軸承孔擴大后鑲套,過緊時 可重新加工軸承孔

    5、  端蓋與軸承蓋的兩側面與軸承的兩 側面裝配不平行   將兩側端蓋或 軸承蓋裝平,再旋緊螺栓

    1.  bearing excessive wearing or bearing quality issues             chan ge bearing

    2. grease lubricant is overmuch or shortage              &nbs p;      change or adjust the grease lubricant

    3. bearing inner race coordinate with the axis much loose or tight    if it is loose, paint layer metal. If it is tight, process the axis again.

    4. bearing outer ring coordinate with the closure much loose or tight     if it is loose, expand the bearing hole of the closure . If it is tight, process the bearing hole of the closure again.

    5. the closure two sides do not run parallel with the bearing two sides.    fix the two sides closure or bearing cap even, wind up the bolt.


    7. storage and transport


    1. vibrating motor can’t store the open air place or damp place.


    2.the storing and transporting process must not convert or collide the motor. 

    3.避免與酸堿等腐蝕物質接觸。 3. prevent from corrosive like acid base matter. 


    振動篩專業(yè)生產廠家—新鄉(xiāng) 豫振篩機,生產銷售振動篩,振動電機,直線振動篩,旋振篩,塑料機械,超聲波振動篩,震動 篩,篩分機,三次元旋振篩,篩機,振動篩配件,不銹鋼篩網 http://www.shaiji.com  http://www.zdshaiji.com  24小時咨詢服務熱線: 0373-5091204   13803808395   

    Vibrating screen professional manufacturers - xinxiang prepared sieve machine, the production and sales of vibrating screen, vibration motor, linear vibrating screen, rotation vibration screen, plastic machinery, ultrasonic vibrating screen, vibrating screen, screening machine, three dimensional rotation vibration screen, screen machine, vibrating screen fittings, stainless steel screen http://www.shaiji.com  http://www.zdshaiji.com   24 hours consulting service hotline: 13803808395   0373- 5091204



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